How to pull data from a specific data extension that can be displayed on a Landing Page using Ampscript?
On the email I have this Ampscript which displays the Balance Points once sent on the Email Subscriber:
%%[ VAR @balance SET @balance = Lookup("Cebu-GetGo-MemberBalance-DE", "Balance", "Account_No", [Account_No]) IF empty(@balance) THEN SET @balance = "0"ENDIF]%%Points Balance: %%=v(@balance)=%% points
From the Email I want to pull the Points Balance to Landing page I've created, once the subscriber click on the link Check Balance from the email using
<a href="%%=CloudPagesURL(ID)=%%">Check Balance</a>
Upon doing test emails I've ended up on the landing page URL with the Balance Points equal to 0.
I have the following Landing Page Pulling Data from Data Extension:
%%[VAR @balance SET @balance = Lookup("CebuLandingPage-DE", "Balance", "Account_No", [Account_No])IF empty(@balance) THENSET @balance = "0"ENDIF]%%As of %%=Format(Now(),"MMM. dd, yyyy,")=%% you have: %%=v(@balance)=%% GetGo points
Is there something I'm missing?
How can I pull the Balance Point data from my data extension to be displayed on the Landing Page?