I am trying to display 3 hotel contents in a for loop but I am getting the error while previewing only for specific contacts. Not able to solve this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is my code.
``` SET @Rows = LookupRows('SWG_SR_HotelContent','version',@version,'LanguageCode',@LanguageCode)FOR @Counter = 1 to 3 DO SET @Row = Row(@Rows, @Counter) SET @HotelName = Field(@Row,'HotelName') SET @HotelCode = Field(@Row,'HotelCode') SET @DestinationName = Field(@Row,'DestinationName') SET @DestinationCountryName = Field(@Row,'DestinationCountryName') SET @StarRating = Field(@Row,'StarRating') SET @hotelDetail_collection = Field(@Row,'Collection') SET @hotelDetail_concept = Field(@Row,'Concept') SET @hotelDetail_hotelImages = Field(@Row,'HotelImages') SET @HotelOverview = Field(@Row,'HotelOverview') if IndexOf(@HotelOverview, "•") > 0 THEN SET @HotelOverviewRemovebullets = replace(@HotelOverview,"•"," ") ELSE IndexOf(@HotelOverview, "•") > 0 THEN SET @HotelOverviewRemovebullets = replace(@HotelOverview,"•"," ") ENDIFVAR @bullet1, @bullet2, @bullet, @rsIF IndexOf(@HotelOverviewRemovebullets, "<br>") > 0 THEN SET @rs = BuildRowsetFromString(@HotelOverviewRemovebullets,'<br>') SET @bullet1 = Field(Row(@rs,1),1) SET @bullet2 = Field(Row(@rs,2),1) SET @bullet3 = Field(Row(@rs,3),1)ENDIF SET @HotelLink = Field(@Row,'HotelLink') SET @HotelLink_CTA = CONCAT(@HotelLink,'?utm_source=mc-campaign&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=swg_adhoc_search-retarget-journey-tf_20231218_en&utm_content=',@HotelCode,'-cta&utm_term=en&ajs_event=Email%20Link%20Clicked&ajs_uid=',SubscriberKey) SET @HotelLink_IMG = CONCAT(@HotelLink,'?utm_source=mc-campaign&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=swg_adhoc_search-retarget-journey-tf_20231218_en&utm_content=',@HotelCode,'-img&utm_term=en&ajs_event=Email%20Link%20Clicked&ajs_uid=',SubscriberKey) /* Set the Collection JSON Array to a new variable to use to show badges */ IF NOT EMPTY(@hotelDetail_collection) THEN SET @hotelDetail_collectionJson = @hotelDetail_collection ENDIF /* Set the Concept JSON Array to a new variable to use to show badges */ IF NOT EMPTY(@hotelDetail_concept) THEN SET @hotelDetail_conceptJson = @hotelDetail_concept ENDIF IF NOT EMPTY(@hotelDetail_hotelImages) THEN VAR @hotelImages SET @hotelImages = BuildRowsetFromJSON(@hotelDetail_hotelImages, '$[:1]', 0) SET @rowcountimg = RowCount(@hotelImages) IF @rowcountimg > 0 THEN FOR @j = 1 TO RowCount(@hotelImages) DO SET @row = Row(@hotelImages, @j) SET @Image = Field(@row,1) NEXT @j ENDIF ENDIF ]%% ```T