I am trying to pull first name of a contact to my email (emailbuilder) through a simple lookup on my shared data extension.
<div style="display:none"> %%[ var @dataExtension, @returnedField, @whereCol, @whereValue Set @dataExtension = 'ENT.Gaia Contact' Set @returnedField = '[First Name]' Set @whereCol = '[Contact Key]' Set @whereValue = OKID Set @fieldValue = Lookup(@dataExtension, @returnedField, @whereCol, @whereValue) ]%%</div>%%=v(@returnedfield)=%%
Looking to return a customer "First Name" from shared "Gaia Contact" data extension.Where to lookup the name I am trying to match "OKID" (variable in the emails active sending DE) to "Contact Key"(from the DE "Gaia Contact")
Yes, both the data extension and the objects have a space in them.
At the moment when I go to preview the email I get the following message:
It seems that the object is not in the DE, but if I open the DE I can see them both first name and the contact key.Also I confirmed manualy that the OKID have a match on contact key and does have the value for First Name in the mentioned DE(Gaia Contact).
Thanks in advance for any help.