I am trying to create an html email, which is already stored in a field of one of my Data extension. The email is retrieved correctly and even i am able to print it in cloud page, but i am getting bad request error on creating the asset in sfmc. I am able to create the email with single line of code like "h2 Test Email /h2--", but when its the whole html content, code is breaking.My code is given below,
"<script runat="server"> Platform.Load("core", "1"); var myDE = DataExtension.Init("external key"); var filter = {Property:"Contact Key",SimpleOperator:"equals",Value:"5424"}; var data = myDE.Rows.Retrieve(filter); for(var i=0; i< data.length; i++) { if(csv in data[i]) { var html = data[i]["csv"]; } } if(html) { var restInstanceUrl = "https://subdomain.rest.marketingcloudapis.com/", accessToken = ""; try { var payload = { name: "My HTML Email", channels: { email: true, web: false }, views: { html: { content: html }, text: {}, subjectline: { content: "Hello, this is my subject line" }, preheader: { content: "and this is my preheader" } }, assetType: { name: "htmlemail", id: 208 }, category: {id: "398609" }, contentType:"text/html" }; var endpoint = restInstanceUrl +"asset/v1/content/assets"; var request = new Script.Util.HttpRequest(endpoint); request.emptyContentHandling = 0; request.retries = 2; request.continueOnError = true; request.setHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken); request.method = "POST"; request.contentType = "application/json"; request.postData = Stringify(payload); var results = request.send(); var result = Platform.Function.ParseJSON(String(results.content)); Write("success"); } catch(error) { Write("failed"); } }</script>"
Could you suggest any possible solutions?